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Make Momentum Happen

At JPMorganChase, the investments we make help make businesses happen, that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. Together, we make momentum happen.

Going local, worldwide

12bet官方正在进行长期和协调的努力,以扩大更多人获得机会的机会. This includes using our business, 数据和专业知识,以支持我们在世界各地的员工和社区.

Achieving more together

We're working with our clients, customers and communities to build a stronger, more inclusive economy.

  • 100+

  • global markets served

  • 6M

  • small business clients

  • $30B

  • Racial Equity Commitment

  • 18K

  • veterans hired since 2011

  • $2.5T

  • Sustainable Development Target

  • $2B+

  • philanthropic capital committed


Creating more second chances

我们致力于为有犯罪背景的美国人提供第二次机会,支持他们重返工作岗位, community and local economy.

Read our latest ESG Report
